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Med + concentration but just see through. Ruby core with brick rim. Med intensity and med + complexity on the nose showing mostly classic #leftbank characteristics. However there was a strong paprika aroma that reminded me of #chile#carmenere The fruit was ripe and black and red. Fine structure on the palate with med + tannin and med acid and abv. The notes mimicked what I found on the nose. A supple medium finish. This was missing concentration but for the price this is a nice #bordeaux#hautmedoc#closdujaugueyron#cabernetsauvignon#merlot#petitverdot#ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago
Charles (Chad) Bucklin
Owner and founder of C. T. Bucklin Wine Advising
Med + concentration but just see through. Ruby core with brick rim. Med intensity and med + complexity on the nose showing mostly classic #leftbank characteristics. However there was a strong paprika aroma that reminded me of #chile #carmenere The fruit was ripe and black and red. Fine structure on the palate with med + tannin and med acid and abv. The notes mimicked what I found on the nose. A supple medium finish. This was missing concentration but for the price this is a nice #bordeaux #hautmedoc #closdujaugueyron #cabernetsauvignon #merlot #petitverdot #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago