Old Victorian riesling from Brown Brothers King Valley sources; colour molasses-gold, did not look drinkable but was; lovely mandarin, brulee, spiced honey glaze; and oh so drying; acid in behind the palate, just thoroughly softened to not cut the gums; paired with flathead; memorable; 13%; last of cork use in 2001 when Clare screwcap initiative conmenced; #drinkvictoria #drinkoz #kingvalley #brownbrothers #riesling #age #ageworthy #aged — 9 years ago
Stood the test of time. Perfectly balanced, classically styled Cabernet. #frogsleap #cabernetsauvignon #aged — 10 years ago
I don't want to pick favorites with the #oregonpinot that I've tried today. But this 07 is definitely the most favority. #aged #drinknow — 10 years ago
Peter van den Besselaar
Vintage 1995 - there is Coteaux du Layon that is so lovely it is overwhelming charming to the taster, and there is Coteaux du Layon where you need to fight to discover its qualities. With its 22 years this is an example of the second type. Shy smell, almonds, vanilla, spicy, not complete in balance as there are prominent bitters in taste. Also honey tones after aeration. Drank it with a ricotta cake that had beautiful citrus in it that matched well with the wine. #coteauxdulayon #cheninblanc #loire #aged beautiful golden colour. — 7 years ago