For those of you who think that #Rieslings don't #age unless they come from big, ripe years such as '76 or '83, here's proof positive that they damn well do!
Here is a wine that has that thing the #Moselaner call, "#Trinkfluss"...a wine you can drink rivers of...and still walk home! #1973 #ÜrzigerWürzgarten #spätlese — 10 years ago
1985 insignia phelps what old California blends use to be. #age #balance #delicious — 10 years ago
For 2002 and the resulting #age this #petitesirah #epic @petitesirahorg — 10 years ago
Peter Scudamore-Smith MW
Old Victorian riesling from Brown Brothers King Valley sources; colour molasses-gold, did not look drinkable but was; lovely mandarin, brulee, spiced honey glaze; and oh so drying; acid in behind the palate, just thoroughly softened to not cut the gums; paired with flathead; memorable; 13%; last of cork use in 2001 when Clare screwcap initiative conmenced; #drinkvictoria #drinkoz #kingvalley #brownbrothers #riesling #age #ageworthy #aged — 10 years ago