Dr. Loosen
Ürziger Würzgarten Auslese Mosel Riesling
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For those of you who think that #Rieslings don't #age unless they come from big, ripe years such as '76 or '83, here's proof positive that they damn well do!
Here is a wine that has that thing the #Moselaner call, "#Trinkfluss"...a wine you can drink rivers of...and still walk home! #1973 #ÜrzigerWürzgarten #spätlese
For those of you who think that #Rieslings don't #age unless they come from big, ripe years such as '76 or '83, here's proof positive that they damn well do!
Here is a wine that has that thing the #Moselaner call, "#Trinkfluss"...a wine you can drink rivers of...and still walk home! #1973 #ÜrzigerWürzgarten #spätlese