Golden-hued, viscous white, almost orange. Just the slightest effervescence on the back of the tongue. Tastes of apricot pits and steel. Great with salmon. An exxxcellent fall into winter white. — 4 years ago
Really nice and super dry. — 4 years ago
Vila. Tast Torelló amb el Toni de la Rosa Torelló. 46% Xarel.lo, 30% Macabeu, 24% Parellada. Gran anyada. 43,70.
— 5 years ago
Fine and elegant I like it — 6 years ago
Refreshing acid balances off dry wine (not sure if this is exactly the one I am drinking as j haven’t seen the bottle). This kabinett is not totally dry. Great slate, waterfall aroma and lovely honeyed apricot. — 2 years ago
So good! Honeysuckle and cooked peaches , little bit of residual sugar that pairs so well with spicy Indian food. Some straw and herbal notes, and maybe a little slate. — 5 years ago
Lecker. Gute Auswahl von Toni — 5 months ago