Savory. Artichokes and jackfruit. Thick but pleasant body. A bit elegant. — 4 years ago
Golden-hued, viscous white, almost orange. Just the slightest effervescence on the back of the tongue. Tastes of apricot pits and steel. Great with salmon. An exxxcellent fall into winter white. — 4 years ago
Peach fuzz and canned apricots. Some herbal backbone. Elegant. — 4 years ago
Cidery. Cloudy. Fermented apple juice with a squeeze of lemon. Also a little Peach nectar in there. Ate with chile orange duck— great combo. — 4 years ago
Light, dry, yeast-y, really tight bubbles. Tastes like lemons and tomatoes. — 5 years ago
Joe Sevier
Great chilled red. Light, quaffable, crisp. Blackberries. Drank solo but want it with something grilled. — 4 years ago