Nice coast Zin. Chewy. Zingy and Zinful. Plenty of blackberry and such. — 6 years ago
Three S wine!. Silky, subtle, and sublime. Good stuff. 13.9% alcohol. Speedy. Was. top Pinot in world in vintage year. Oregon Pinot. — 8 years ago
Black cherry, vanilla, raspberry, cassis, eucalyptus and oak. Full-bodied and soft tannins. — 6 months ago
Drank with Chris when we had Speedy Romeo — 5 years ago
One more Zin. Because Delectable gave me a check mark and I’m worth it. I’d never tried Grgich before but I’m digging it. It has that delightful thing Zins do where they feel light at first then morph into a gentle ninja dressed in velvet and throwing raisins and craisins at you. CraiZins? This is a plush sneaky Zin. The more I let it breathe the more bramble there is. So now you and a velvet-clad ninja are doing battle in a brambly wood. Though the finish is rather speedy. Ninja retreating? Ps you are the winner. Cause you’re drinking wine. — 7 years ago
Lemon smoke, pith and zested peel, green beans, wax bean, lime, pestelled chive, chunky seltzer. Speedy and clean palate shows lime and lemon citrus, underripe green pear, lime pith, chalky pink grapefruit, salinity, orchid stem. Great wine with plunging depth, spritely while well defined and deftly crafted. A joy.
#louismichel #louismicheletfils #chablis #chablispremiercru #chablis1ercru #montmain #appellationchablispremiercrucontrollée #burgundy #whiteburgundy #bourgogneblanc #since1850 #chardonnay — 3 years ago
Plum Apricot- stone fruit on the nose. Pear on the palate with ripe lingering note. Peach hints. Not sweet but delicate. Toasting the return of power after Florence. I’m not truthful about location. Verandas had chimney fall through two floors so I’m roasting their and my leaking Visctorian’s speedy recovery and those still without power to chill. This is a NC wine so supporting local as farms are underwater close by. Sad song plays on lingering breeze. Chain saws fell mighty oaks. This glass and more are needed to remember- and raise- to stay strong! — 6 years ago
A bit speedy, but very solid. — 8 years ago
Tree Kilpatrick
This is Speedy Creek Zinfandel. Dark color. Smells like jams and musk. Flavors are elegant and fun. Some fruit, but reserved and dry on the finish. This is a nice Sonoma Zin. — 19 days ago