Excellent. Yeasty and full bodied. Would get again. — 3 years ago
Nectarine and black currant on the nose. Apple upfront with a medium syrupy body. Decent amount of heat starting on the mid-palate and increasing over time. Finishes with a hint of rhubarb. — 5 years ago
Rare blend of first press cuvée, in a combination of several vintages, and has made with carefully selected plots of Pinot Noir, and Chardonnay. three of the vintage still wines were aged in oak before blending and bottling. the cuvée matures a minimum of five years in the bottle before being desgorged. — a year ago
Young and too eager to pleased. Should wait for another 5 before drinking. — 4 years ago
Fruity rose champagne. Good balance but maybe lacking a bit of precision in the bubbles. — 6 years ago
So fine and sophisticated. Lovely New Years drink — a year ago
Nice champagne — 2 years ago
Rich and fruity on the middle to drier end... very enjoyable. Love. — 7 years ago
Jayna Fontenot
Deep gold color, deep pinot scent. Nose reminds me of honey, red berries, and walnut. Dry and lightly nutty with a crisp finish. — a day ago