Thought this would be dead but the cork held up! About 30 minutes of pleasure than quickly faded and ox’ed in the glass. Oh well. Dried sour cherry, tobacco, graphite, potting soil, green peppercorn, porcini mushrooms, cigar ash, worn leather. Light, vibrant acid. — 2 years ago
One of my half dozen and man have I been enjoying them. Tart sweet fruit with all the unctuous aged Hunter Shiraz flavors. — 5 years ago
Oh Failla how I’ve missed you ❤️. I remember my tasting visit on the verandah and Ehren walking in through the front. This was back in 2013 when I was working as an intern for Abe Schoener at The Scholium Project. Magical times, magical wine found in my small Australian hometown. 2021 at $110 Australian and worth every dollar ❤️ — 8 months ago
Chocolate, raspberry...tobacco. Lingering flavors and tannins. — 5 years ago
1985 vintage. Decanted and open 3.5 hours before tasting. Oh hell yes. Can go another 3-5 years in this end-game, optimal drinking window, Beguiling nose filled with feminine cocoa powder. A flavor/tasting sense of eternity here. Underrated property that usually gets plenty of recognition but ages better than expected. Would/will take a meh vintage of L'Evangile vs a solid/great vintage of many comparable Right Bank properties. 8.19.23. — 2 years ago
Oh so smooth and rich. A bold deep flavored Cabernet. This is what people drink Cabernet for. — 5 years ago
Andrea Baker
Letting it open and oh my yum! — 4 months ago