Very powerful aroma. Silky/mica/cigar/cedar/well balanced — 5 years ago
At 5 years old, this bold Cab has become smooth and a delight to drink. Not overly complex. September 2024. — 5 months ago
N: Very dark blood black red cherries, tobacco, some grape, loam, forest floor. Peat. Quite mineral on the nose. Like mica in humus.
P:A very tactile wine indeed, grippy but not overtly. Cherries repeat, tobacco,very pure, it’s bright and balanced, no one aspect dominates. When people describe Pinots as “ earthy “ here you are. Beautiful!
Thanks @Fasselections — 3 years ago
Jo li trobo gust a cuir, minerals i una mica de fum. Vi contundent i estructurat però no tànnic. Amb la calor que fa al Campo de Borja, jo diria que és un vi que expressa bé el territori. — 4 years ago
Trepat fresc i lleuger. Fruites vermelles, bona acidesa, però li cal una mica de complexitat. — 5 years ago
Fruita vermella i pocs tanins. Acidesa moderada per una mica de fusta de fons. Final llarg i agradable. Molt recomanable. — 4 years ago
Ron R
I showed this wine some respect today. First I carefully decanted it, as I rarely do. The nose displayed spice box with cardamon, cloves and a hint of cedar. The palate was powerful and dense. Loads of mature blueberries and black fruits. Tannins are bolt upright. Acidity is perfectly poised. Finishes sweet and with texture. For a second wine, it’s a crime. Has another 5-10 years of runway ahead of it. This is a serious wine. — a month ago