Mica Cellars


Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2015

Ron R

I showed this wine some respect today. First I carefully decanted it, as I rarely do. The nose displayed spice box with cardamon, cloves and a hint of cedar. The palate was powerful and dense. Loads of mature blueberries and black fruits. Tannins are bolt upright. Acidity is perfectly poised. Finishes sweet and with texture. For a second wine, it’s a crime. Has another 5-10 years of runway ahead of it. This is a serious wine. — a month ago

Ted, Vin and 26 others liked this

Ntsiki Biyela

Aslina Chardonnay 2019

pale straw, white blossom, unscented soap, acid bath, clay, shoots, nuts, green berry, melon rind, mica, citrus, oyster water. — 3 years ago

Jess Paley
with Jess
"Odedi", Byron and 6 others liked this

Alejandro Bulgheroni Estate

Lithology Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2016

Very powerful aroma. Silky/mica/cigar/cedar/well balanced — 5 years ago


Mica Cabernet Sauvignon 2019

At 5 years old, this bold Cab has become smooth and a delight to drink. Not overly complex. September 2024. — 5 months ago

Max Geitlinger

Maximal Baden Spätburgunder 2018

N: Very dark blood black red cherries, tobacco, some grape, loam, forest floor. Peat. Quite mineral on the nose. Like mica in humus.
P:A very tactile wine indeed, grippy but not overtly. Cherries repeat, tobacco,very pure, it’s bright and balanced, no one aspect dominates. When people describe Pinots as “ earthy “ here you are. Beautiful!
Thanks @Fasselections
— 3 years ago

Ted, Byron and 9 others liked this

Bodegas Alto Moncayo

Campo de Borja Garnacha 2018

Jo li trobo gust a cuir, minerals i una mica de fum. Vi contundent i estructurat però no tànnic. Amb la calor que fa al Campo de Borja, jo diria que és un vi que expressa bé el territori. — 4 years ago

Mas Foraster

Josep Foraster Trepat

Trepat fresc i lleuger. Fruites vermelles, bona acidesa, però li cal una mica de complexitat. — 5 years ago

Story of Soil

Gold Coast Vineyard Pinot Noir

fiddlehead fern, stewed leeks, jolly rancher, baker’s box, softcore flint, hyacinth donut, rutabaga, chimney soot, mica flake, rhubarb pie, mineral water, gemstone, pith, cold snap, cranberry lollipop, stewed Sakura leaves, all in a crimson robe. — 2 years ago

Abbas JamaliJess Paley
with Abbas and Jess
Josh liked this


Jagini Zagersdorf Blaufränkisch 2011

black cherry dirt. animal, delta, sassafras, bourbon street coffee, plum syrup, black marker, dog run, not particularly strippy but carries a soil burden. brown rhubarb candy and lake effects. mica echo. — 3 years ago

Abbas JamaliJess Paley
with Abbas and Jess
Josh and Marisa liked this

Carles Andreu

Conca de Barberà Trepat 2017

Fruita vermella i pocs tanins. Acidesa moderada per una mica de fusta de fons. Final llarg i agradable. Molt recomanable. — 4 years ago