Damn son, beautiful cherries and herbs with the dopeness of the Greg Pop signature. Hope everybody is healthy and safe. — 5 years ago
16’Arista UV-EL Diablo Chardonnay. What makes these wines so absolutely fantastic since 2013...to me it is obvious, Matt has turned this winery around. If you like a hammer style Chardonnay such as Kongsgaard/Morlet/Peter Michael. This is not necessarily your wine.
Chardonnay that’s not heavily coded by let’s say vanilla Bean “You guess it”Elegance/finesse/balanced & CLASSY. Unlike his Ferren Wines (Love them)this has slightly less punch. Highly recommend. — 5 years ago
Deep and ripe nose that is totally giving me Corton Charlemagne vibes. Ripe apple, melon, cantaloupe and pear. Gorgeous in its purity. Man this is like white burgundy mimicry. Gorgeous spicey notes and complex smokey tones and amazing mineral notes. Such an enveloping and evocative nose. Palate is so awesome. Rich and textured and so deep and this has those German iodine and hazelnut notes that make you think your in Corton Charlemagne. Ripe and unctuous and so forward and unreal marzipan notes on the mid and finish. Wow does this really hammer you on the finish and not let up. Remarkable elegance and large scaled but nimble. As this airs it gains remarkable aromatic complexity with pulverized stones and barely ripe tropical fruits. So complex. Rich yet tense is the biography of this wine. One of the best 18’s I’ve had from Germany. — 8 months ago
Super impressed. Decanted 2 hrs. Dense black fruit just shy of a hammer. Would not have guessed Merlot (mostly) or Napa if I’d tasted blind. One of the more memorable wines I’ve had from the vintage. — 5 years ago
Big hammer wines buy — 9 months ago
Big hammer wine buy, $80 value — a year ago
Tomato Leaf. In a really nice place. Love these wines from Slo Down. — 2 months ago