Shared with TK very nice — 5 years ago
I don’t know which is more important right now.
Bright, pear slices, fresh grass. Reserved bouquet.
Wow. Silken mouthfeel. Nice kick of acid right when you want it. Beautiful rose petal like quality, the umami of sake. Subtle limestone, stonefruit.
Feels like mountains are breathing zephyrs and feeding my soul. Love it. Just found a new go-to for a slightly sweeter/tropical and bright Riesling.
— 5 years ago
Bright, fresh, slightly grassy, green apple. Perfect. — 6 years ago
Really crisp and delicious- had at Trio while at beach with a salad. — 10 months ago
Military Chenin - first rank straight faced silver skinned Savennieres without any sense of humor - not even a smirk.
Accents of pear, lime, jasmine flowers and smoking flint. Honest and transparent.
You can taste the chalky porous rock filters feeding the vines.
Bold austere flavors of lemon and crisp pear and white pepper with a little bitter bite of white flowers just at the end. — 4 years ago
Chunky blonde monkey! This tangy orangutan is riddled with bits of grits! It had a big blonde head and was like an orange freshly peeled with pith, fossilized, and amber singing of grapefruit days and juniper nights; black pepper and cedar chiming in with rosemary and chive. Really slaps your tongue with the Gin-ny Juniper...Secondary notes of grapefruit, orange, lemon seed, coriander and grapefruit pith chatter and whoop as your face is lovingly eaten. The gibberish and screeching grows to a crescendo as the juniper raises its cedar cudgel covered in lichen and wild yeast, cinnamon and clove and just a bay leaf or two, and warmly drums your taut torso while your consciousness clouds like the thick detritus of its last sips. Your limbs pull away with ease as the troop joins the rhythmic frenzy. ‘Why are you hitting yourself?’ their warm starlit eyes suggest with just a little mischief. You know why. — 6 years ago
best wine of the year of my graduated from breast feeding!!
i kept it on room tempature, and that made it smell great. i will buy it again.
常温で飲んでみたら香りがすごかった。美味しい美味しい!リピートします! — 3 years ago
I’ve been scripting the life philosophies of those closest to me:
1. My parents’ determinist universe: born into a predetermined script, Can’t veer too far from you class, status, culture, genetic talents. You still have to work hard to attain what can be yours. You can fail, become an alcoholic, waste your birth given place in life. But you can also ease in to life knowing things were meant to be certain ways for everyone.
2. I see life as a pinball game. You get spat out like a ball. Bump up against various circumstances. Some can keep the game going by feeding it more quarters. Others learn the rules or teqnique better. Some enjoy it. Some just float through. In the end we all end up in the same hole.
3. Ivison’s are in an action adventure. No plot. Typical characters. Loads of special effects and a ride.
4. Tim? He has a strong sense of right and wrong, fair and unfair. His life philosophy comes close to a balance board.
— 4 years ago
Bigger than expected... dark inky purple, touch of tobacco, leather oak notes. Touch of alcohol that faded as the wine opened. Black fruits, medium body, impeccable fruit/acid balance. Reminds how much I love great California zin... and how great the folks at Ridge are at feeding my love. The ultimate pizza and NCAA championship wine...go Virginia! — 6 years ago
Kirsten Christiansen
On the higher end of price for a sauv blanc. Strong bell pepper aroma and has a little of it on taste as well, specifically in that crisp, fresh, green way. Otherwise very fresh and fruity. Tastes new. — 8 months ago