it seems that i lost the voice inside my head, and now the question is do i go looking for it or do i get a new one? — 5 years ago
setting my intentions on what I ‘want’, not what I ‘should’ — 5 years ago
woke up feeling the shape of a bucket, the color of sand — 5 years ago
I’ve been scripting the life philosophies of those closest to me:
1. My parents’ determinist universe: born into a predetermined script, Can’t veer too far from you class, status, culture, genetic talents. You still have to work hard to attain what can be yours. You can fail, become an alcoholic, waste your birth given place in life. But you can also ease in to life knowing things were meant to be certain ways for everyone.
2. I see life as a pinball game. You get spat out like a ball. Bump up against various circumstances. Some can keep the game going by feeding it more quarters. Others learn the rules or teqnique better. Some enjoy it. Some just float through. In the end we all end up in the same hole.
3. Ivison’s are in an action adventure. No plot. Typical characters. Loads of special effects and a ride.
4. Tim? He has a strong sense of right and wrong, fair and unfair. His life philosophy comes close to a balance board.
— 5 years ago
It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to. Cry if I want to. You would cry too if it happened to you. — 5 years ago
Roll your eyes at someone you hold dear and get punished with a violent dream. — 5 years ago
when I first set up my fish tank it was fantasia and now it’s a cesspool. it needs constant learning, adjusting, tinkering. It’s becoming an unwelcome reflection of my psyche and the work that needs to be done. But I’m not sure if I have the time for both. — 5 years ago
a reminder that leisure is deeply anti-capitalist and should be grasped at every opportunity. this might be our only hope. — 5 years ago
sometimes i feel like a balloon - full and empty at the same time. able to reach great heights and deflate quickly. it’s not your typical horror vacui but feels like it... — 5 years ago
“Sleep is the most moronic fraternity in the world, with the heaviest dues and the crudest rituals... I simply cannot get used to the nightly betrayal of reason, humanity, genius.” V. Nabokov, speak, memory.
Night precedes day. We go to sleep first thing around midnight of a new day, wake up 7 to 8 hours into it. We don’t go to sleep at the end of a long day tired. We start the day by going to sleep. We start by dreaming by going into the subconscious. A lot of work gets done in the mystery of darkness by the time we wake half way through it all. — 4 years ago