Rojo oscuro con ligeros bronces al borde. Guindones dulces, vainilla, canela y un toque de picante a la naríz. Pasas, guindones, tomate y clavo de olor en boca. Vino Seco y largo en boca. — 3 years ago
Trots förvarningar poppade jag denna som nog borde legat orörd minst tio år till. Inte helt drickmogen men redan nu ger den en hel del. Riktigt härlig doft. Fyllig, koncentrerad med gamla världen-elegans. Vinbär, blyerts, exotiska kryddor, tobak, kaffe osv. Riktigt lång avslut. Värd att återbesöka, som förvarnat. Värd 1800 kr = inte än på några år. — 4 years ago
Wine of the trip! — 3 years ago
Julien Mareschal knows how to name his wines. Pinostradamus is definitely an interesting and not simple wine. Even controversial. Cranberry, horse sweat, cigar box and spices. It is fizzy, so either decant properly or enjoy/hate this little fact. Refreshing, well balanced with metallic touch. Nice, I would love to taste this wine once more but more thoughtfully. — 3 years ago
Solid Jura chard. Nice nose. Tasty but not particularly complex or memorable — 3 years ago
Extremely fruit forward. Nice on palate medium tannins. Not as oaky as I like — 4 years ago
Al Doyle
Just wonderful. Delicate, balanced and already showing such finesse at a young age, very excited to see this vintage in the future, if I can find any. — 10 months ago