Great stuff — 2 months ago
Lighter tannins, and softer. But boy does it pack a nose! Dark cherries, figs, leather and wood. Nice long fruity finish. — 3 years ago
Almost no breathing required. Very light on the palette and refreshing. — 3 years ago
Whoa. Big Toro. Down Toro. Great on open. Held up for over an hour but now getting flabby. Expected. It’s a big boy with a lot of power and not enough tannins ti keep it together. But I like. #psa #drinkfast — 4 years ago
Highlight of the night! And a surprise to some degree. I kind off had given up on Lynch Bages. Given the high price, to me, the 2015 and 2016 were below expectation. But, boy, this 2018 rung all bells. Super concentrated, layers of evolving dark cherry, blueberry, current flavors and a superb balanced finish. All one could wish for. — 2 months ago
Eight years in my cellar. Big boy wine. Needs 90 minutes in the decanter. Inky. World class wine. 15.5% but no problem, wears it well. Complexity off the charts. Every sip was different. Coffee, smoke, blueberry, Peppercorns, gorgeous acid. Fine tannins. Youthful at 12 years. — 4 months ago
Granular, ripe and heavy. Syrupy berry and smokey notes. Quite smooth. Enjoyable? Yes. Whopping alcohol level? Yes. Worth fifty bucks? No. — 16 days ago