Great minerality and mouth feel. Citrus. Pear. — 4 months ago
Delicious desert wine. 17% abv but goes down nice and easy! — 2 years ago
I might have had three glasses of this before I realized others at the table might want some of it. — a month ago
Medium ruby with quite narrow terracotta , garnet rim. Cut herbs , raspberry, dried red cherry , dried rose , slightly smoky note and a basalt , stony hint. On the palate quite rounded and ripe with some red focused sweet sous bois , raspberry coulis and dried herbs , anis , dried herbs . Alcohol does stick out a bit with medium quite rounded sweet tannin , with just balanced acidity . Reasonable anis , black tea and dried herb finish . This is at the end of its drinking window but still showing quite well . Drink now , and I would recommend serving at a relatively cool temperature — 8 months ago
Best Vin Santo Carmel flavors — 5 months ago
In-laws really wanted more Carricante, so we picked this up at the local shop. — 16 days ago