Fine hats and bare feet, lazy heat and lolling on the green, a late afternoon social gathering, a beach rock fire for charring seafood — 3 years ago
Was expecting heavy metal given the gigantic bottle and got completely the opposite - elegant if a bit thin but with no edge on the finish....very nice — 4 years ago
15.3% abv. Always good. Bold smooth rich. — 7 months ago
1989 vintage. Tastes like the counter fair: caramel apple, cotton candy, metal. Delish. — 3 years ago
Herby up front, saucy or buttery finish. Fresh floral smell, notes of citrus zest and metal. — 4 years ago
Earthy aromas with ripe plum notes - a very Otago nose albeit in the lighter spectrum. Same notes transfer to the medium bodied sappy palate. Not as full bodied as I was expecting. Quite Burgundian in weight and texture. Made by the equally earthy Nick Mills, owner and winemaker who made his presentation at Pinot NZ 2018 in Wellington in bare feet. Rippon is biodynamic and chemical free. I subsequently had a nice chat with him - a genuine bloke. Must be one of the prettiest vineyard scenes anywhere in the world sloping up from Lake Wanaka. Whilst this is classed as Central Otago this is not as full bodied as the Bannockburn/Felton Road district. — 4 years ago
One of those wines that makes you say “huh, so that’s why they blend Sémillon with Sauvignon Blanc”. Although the Sémillon makes up slightly more of the blend the greenery of SB punches throughout not obnoxiously so. Like the Semi was holding out the plank of wood expressly for the purpose of SB breaking it in half with its bare hands. All the green things and citrus but there is depth and warmth and a bit of weight. And dang it’s a bargain. — 4 years ago
James Burge
2015 MAG. such a fun bottle. bone dry with a little grapefruit and paperwhite flower. great example of why south australia is my #1 place for riesling now — 6 days ago