Love the demi-sec style—paired beautifully with a fresh produce-forward dinner. Lots of peach and apricot, honey, pronounced lime pith, fresh flowers and grass, and plentiful acid, stone and a sort of savory bitterness that balances the RS
Love the demi-sec style—paired beautifully with a fresh produce-forward dinner. Lots of peach and apricot, honey, pronounced lime pith, fresh flowers and grass, and plentiful acid, stone and a sort of savory bitterness that balances the RS
Sep 20th, 2023
Maybe I should have drunk this '07 earlier or later? Deep gold with a slightly ruddy/brown tinge. Noticably sweet but no botrytis signature that I could detect. Nose is fully mature with bruised apple, quince fruit notes. It seemed a bit simple, so not sure if this bottle was a bit oxygen touched or needed more time.
Maybe I should have drunk this '07 earlier or later? Deep gold with a slightly ruddy/brown tinge. Noticably sweet but no botrytis signature that I could detect. Nose is fully mature with bruised apple, quince fruit notes. It seemed a bit simple, so not sure if this bottle was a bit oxygen touched or needed more time.
Nov 9th, 2021
Golden color, caramelized pear, hawthorn. Delicious. Acidity, balances RS
Golden color, caramelized pear, hawthorn. Delicious. Acidity, balances RS
Oct 25th, 2015
More generous as it warmed up, pretty honeysuckle and melon with a botrytis funk
More generous as it warmed up, pretty honeysuckle and melon with a botrytis funk
Jun 18th, 2015