What an amazing Tokaji Aszu. Thank you Stetson #BlueDanubeWines #westvillagewine #tokajiaszu — 10 years ago
Officially on the vino dolce bandwagon - my first Tokaji - like drinking a smooth glass of lemony vanilla honey with some palette cleansing acid. Hope to be lucky enough to have again. #tokajiaszu #thanksBT — 9 years ago
Really cool stuff here! The #furmint grape is the work horse of Hungary in the dry wines and the legendary #tokajiaszu sweet wines. Completely dry this is really cool salty peaches,apple, honey, fresh lime citrus and a stone like minerality on the long, clean and fresh finish. #garagiste #sushi — 10 years ago
Peter van den Besselaar
Vintage 2013 - Frivolous smell with peaches, honey and minerals. Stunning good balance between sweet and sours that gives the wine a lively and vibrant expression. #tokajiaszu #furmint — 7 years ago