A monster. Tar, herbs, intense briary fruit. Kind of a mind fuck. #sailormouth #sorrynotsorry — 10 years ago
Timarosso and "cheese aged in sack of a goat" I'm coming back never #sorrynotsorry #acidforages — 11 years ago
Appreciating this for what it is. Nice red fruit w a good tartness on the finish + faint yeasty hints of stewed apple on the nose. A lot sweeter than I'd prefer, but will recommend to the sweet wine drinkers. I like the nose a lot more than the palate. That said, adding ice, gin and a sprig of rosemary and this IS my jam... but I'm into that sort of thing. #sorrynotsorry? — 9 years ago
If you were planning on coming to cbuzz tonight for our '97 Caymus reserve, we regret to inform you we re all out #sorrynotsorry #calicab #caymus — 11 years ago
Bergstrom is my Chard Queen of this valley. #sorrynotsorry #doesthatevenmakesense. Anyway. This wine is fantastic. — 10 years ago
#sorrynotsorry I love barefoot chard — 11 years ago
Randy W. Hagerman
Champagne at half the price. #sorrynotsorry #drinkcava — 9 years ago