
Whitcraft Winery

Presqu'ile Vineyard Chardonnay 2017


I prefer this to the Pence Ranch #staritahills #chardonnay The latter seaming riper, sweeter with popcorn aromas. This #santamaria seems like higher acidity yet still has buttery autolytic notes — 5 years ago

Jason, Peter and 8 others liked this


Bien Nacido Hillside Estate Syrah 2008

Powerful with great depth and complexity. Super young too. Delicious Qupé. #qupe #santamaria #biennacido — 11 years ago

Reilly Brock
with Reilly
Reilly Brock

Reilly Brock Influencer Badge

Gentle and complex at the same time. A hard intersection to hit but this wine delivers. Paired beautifully with braised ham hocks and navy beans.

Villa Mt. Eden

Grand Reserve Bien Nacido Vineyard Pinot Noir 2009

Affordable Californian pinot; around AUD 50; old name but nice to see from the cooler Santa Maria Valley to the south #california #pinot #2009 #santamaria #thewineemporium — 11 years ago

Sybaritewino liked this