Lovely, fragrant and wild with great body and structure. #coterotie #syrah #rhonegiants #mysomm — 10 years ago
Rhône superstar Jean-Louis Chave's Hermitage is a must on every wine lover's bucket list. Powerful, aromatic and stunning with age, his Syrahs are the most important and celebrated wines of the region.
#profavorite #rhonegiants #bucketlistbottle — 10 years ago
Gorgeous. Quintessential wine for me. So pretty and aromatic but so much power. One of my favs. #vernay #coterotie #rhonegiants #rhônoyoudidnt — 9 years ago
Drinking much better the second day Gamey Sauvage with kirsch, violets, roses, and grilling meat. Helluva value for Cote Rotie. #coterotie #syrah #kermitlynch #rhonegiants #wildwine — 10 years ago
A gem. Not much else to say. Drinking perfectly. Tertiary notes are developed but it hasn't lost any fruit or any of its beautiful aromatics. #coterotie #ampuis #filthygoodvino #syrah #rhonegiants #rhônoyoudidnt — 9 years ago
The master. Tapenade for days.#rhonegiants #cornas #clape — 10 years ago
Still drinking well- a bit past its peak, but this was syrah in its truest form.. #rhonegiants — 10 years ago
Ben Leger
Drinking so beautifully right now. Wild and Gamey with dried red fruit, floral, spices and grilled meat. #graillot #rhônoyoudidnt #rhonegiants #stjospeh — 9 years ago