
E. Guigal

Château d'Ampuis Côte-Rôtie Syrah 2012

Derek Cohen

Young and alive! Lots of herbs, some red currant, cinnamon stuff developing, plenty of acid. #agemore #coterotie #northernrhonewines #ampuis #guigal — 6 years ago

Mark and jesus liked this

E. Guigal

Château d'Ampuis Côte-Rôtie Syrah 2010

Never get tired of #ampuis #CoteRotie from #GUIGAL so often So great — 10 years ago

Sasha liked this

E. Guigal

Château d'Ampuis Côte-Rôtie Syrah 1996

What a stunner. Drinking perfect right now at 20 years. Earthy and wild but the fruit still definitely pleasant. A real treat. #coterotieftw #côterôtie #animale #guigal #ampuis — 9 years ago

Pazzu and Ira liked this

E. Guigal

Château d'Ampuis Côte-Rôtie Syrah 2007

A gem. Not much else to say. Drinking perfectly. Tertiary notes are developed but it hasn't lost any fruit or any of its beautiful aromatics. #coterotie #ampuis #filthygoodvino #syrah #rhonegiants #rhônoyoudidnt — 9 years ago