Best hairy garnacha i've ever had. #legit — 10 years ago
300 cases production! Cooler year but really ripe. For 29$ this is a way better value than that really big winery in West Kelowna.. #wine #BC #okanaganvalley #legit — 10 years ago
Thought it was Argentinean Malbec.. guess I have to revisit Austria. #legit follow @Alex Mcmahon — 10 years ago
If you love wine and have some experience with Riesling, but not a lot experience, but respect the grape, the wines can tend to fall into not good or very good with few examples in the middle based on the fact you don't try as many as you would like to gain a good palate memory. Older Trocken tend to impress the most (to me at least) and this does nothing short of that here. In fact it exceeds all my expectations with a great combination of weight, fruit, and acid. Juicy, fresh, pure with a medium to full body weight and a @scrub the palate clean" acidity. Wet slate aromas and flavors dominate the mineral character with pockets of honey. This has the vinous depth of a 1er Cru Burgundy. #legit @Lyle Fass — 10 years ago
James Frinzi
#legit #yanniwouldhatethis — 7 years ago