2014 Vintage. Crunchy electric cherry. Earth, spice and more acidity. Again, why are more folks not doing this with Mourvedre is beyond my understanding. Delicious. #wine #mourvedre #dirtyandrowdy — 10 years ago
Finally popped my cherry w #dirtyandrowdy. This is @Hardy Wallace when he had ONE pair of glasses. Super fresh and light w steak and green beans. — 8 years ago
2012 Vintage. Cerebral wine. Spice, earth and fruit. Burgundian or cool climate like pinot character. Blinded would have thought pinot. Why more people are making sexy mourvedre like this one is beyond my understanding. #wine #mourvedre #dirtyandrowdy — 10 years ago
A guzzler! Kiwi, apricot, crisp citrus #DirtyandRowdy #Blanc — 9 years ago
Oh yeah! #mouvedreforever #dirtyandrowdy — 12 years ago
10.5%. The #herbal reminds me of the #dirtyandrowdy whites. — 8 years ago