
Bruery Terreux

Gypsy Tart Flemish-Style Brown Ale 2015

Underripe plum, rhubarb, bing cherry and its blossoms, and the faintest aged balsamic. Raisin, date and chicory bouquet. Malt and cola stir beneath the black, betel depths. Tart plum, sour raspberry, sour cherry, black lime, soy sauce, malt, bitter blackberry. This is complex fare full of riches. #sour #sourale #sourbeer #tarty #flemishale #brown #flemish #BrueryTerreux #FamilleRue #gypsytart — 7 years ago

Dogfish Head Brewery

20 Higher Math

This is my 2 year-old liquid figgy pudding. So bring it right now! Just a wisp of hair ringing this big baby’s noggin. Blonde brownie with candied black cherry, banana bread and raspberry truffle aromas. Big, rich mouthfeel stuns the tongue with tart cherry, beet juice, brown sugar, grainy Mexican cocoa, black dates, figs, black raisins, cinnamon, vanilla, licorice, chicory, Turkish candies, treacle, and chocolate mint. Quaffable at this stage and well-integrated. Great for bitter cold South Florida weather. You can sense the beast that lurks in its shadow, but the sweet, rich facade pulls you in with its cozy embrace. #fuzzyeyes #abv #dogfishhead #highermath #chocolatebeer #sour #17percentalcoholOMG #big #dankdark #dankbeer #holycrap #chocolateandcherry #Ween #brown #candy — 7 years ago