91% #CabSauv 9% #Merlot #Dancing #BEAUTIFULLY together as though they were #Waltzing to #Tchaicovsky 👯 🍷#Cassis #Blackberry #BlackPlum #Smoke #Leather #Savory #Sage #Thyme Lightly #Spicy w/hints of #Clove #Tobacco #Cinnamon #Salty ... I can hear the music as I Sip each #Graceful Sip. 👍 #TryThis #DecantThis 👏 #LeDuWines #Nyc $26.99 — 11 years ago
#LeCombal #Cahors #2009 100% #Malbec #Biodynamic #SingleVinyard #QuartzPebble & #Silt #Soil #Unfiltered Lightly #Spicy, #BlackPlum #Smoke #SaltyMinerality super #Elegant & Gets better & better as you drink after opening. #DecantThis #Love #SeaGrapesWineShop #WestVillage — 11 years ago
Shana Wall
#Mmmm #Waterbrook #2009 #Reserve #CabernetSauvignon #WallaWalla #ColumbiaValley #SEXY #Elegant #Blackberry #BlackCherry #BlackPlum #RedRosePetals #RoastedRedBellPepper #SauteedButteryMushrooms #Sage #LightlySpicy #Clove #Cinnamon #ChiliFlakes #SmoothTannins #Layered #LongFinish #BEAUTIFUL 👏👏👏🍷🍷🍷 This wine will definitely set the mood! 😏 #Wino — 10 years ago