Michelle Carchedi
I ordinarily don't drink white but oh....... this is delicieux!!! #frenchwine #whitewine #chardonnay #batard — 8 years ago
Mark Oldman
lst nt, desert island meal, no travel required: #Batard NYC roast chicken with passable red #wine — 10 years ago
Diane Dixon
Co-Founder Keep Collection, #Sommchat
#batard #montrachet happiness 2004 vintage #sommchat — 10 years ago
Craig Sedmak
Enjoyed with friends this week @charlestongrill #burgundy #batard #charleston — 11 years ago
Michelle Carchedi
I ordinarily don't drink white but oh....... this is delicieux!!! #frenchwine #whitewine #chardonnay #batard — 8 years ago