
Joseph Drouhin

Chambertin Pinot Noir

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

Well kept but not in great condition. The top of the cork was slightly sunken and shrunken. The color was garnet and clear. The nose was fully mature showing oxidative notes and dried red cherry. Honey, apricot, mushroom, dried roses, and dead leaves. The heat of the #1947 vintage really came through with lots of warmth and body. Little tannin with some acid. A sweet core of faint red fruit, coco, and vegetation. Faded finish. An interesting wine for sure. #chambertin #josephdrouhin #burgundy #pinotnoir #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago

David, Anthony and 2 others liked this

Prince Florent de Merode

Corton Clos du Roi Grand Cru Pinot Noir 1947

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

A delicate wine on its last breath. The fruit was dry and strait forward and the structure had dissipated but it's cohesive for its age. Unfortunately it had moderate complexity with moderate length but a delicious bacon note really went well with the mushrooms and dried earth. #corton #1947 #burgundy — 9 years ago

Steven liked this

Prince Florent de Merode

Clos du Roi Corton Grand Cru Pinot Noir 1947

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

A completely different bottle than the one I tasted 14 weeks ago. This was deeply intense and incredibly complex on the nose. Sweet red and black fruit, spice, dried herbs, and red flowers. Abv was elevated on the nose. The palate was vibrant and powerful for about 15 minutes and then slowly faded out. This did not have the structure of the #1947 #drc #grandsechezeaux I tasted next to it but the palate was just as sweet and was very complex. Also phenomenal length. #princeflorentdemerode #corton #pinotnoir #burgundy #cotedebeaune #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago

Beau and David liked this

Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (DRC)

Grands Échézeaux Pinot Noir 1947

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

A true experience. The color was beautiful and well intact. The nose bursted out of the glass with incredible complexity and elegance. Sweet black fruits, paprika, smoke, mushrooms, and just dying flowers dominated the nose and palate. The structure was well intact with silky tannins, fine acidity, and present alcohol. The wine just kept on going for at least 45 minutes in the glass and length on the palate was equally impressive. #drc #DRC #domainedelaromaneeconti #grandsechezeaux #cotedenuits #pinotnoir #burgundy #1947 #ctbucklinwine — 9 years ago

Rick, David and 1 other liked this
David L

David L Influencer Badge Premium Badge

I can't even fathom what that amazing vintage & that wine would of cost?