Winemaker Random Wine Company, wine drinker.
In a terrific place, running that knife edge line between burnished age and retaining some youthful vigor. Perfecf acidity. — 7 years ago
Still young but incredible stuff. Purity that is perhaps unmatched. — 7 years ago
Delicious stuff! Acid framed a lovely core of bright orchard and citrus notes. Seems to be at about peak. — 6 years ago
Gorgeous brightness and life. Seems to be finally starting to find itself, but still needed to be opened 3 hours prior to serving. — 6 years ago
Wonderful purity with a hint of age starting to show. Lots of acidity left. Tasted great. — 6 years ago
I stupidly drank this way too young. It was good but not great. So much acidity and strong tannic structure. — 7 years ago
Beau Carufel

Winemaker/Owner Random Wine Company
Still holding together nicely, the flavors are a bit muted but present. Nice acid, nice tannic structure. Lots of wood and blue fruit on the nose. — 4 years ago