
Ruggero di Bardo

Puglia Susumaniello

Smooth, no kick, very easy and GOOD — 6 days ago

Vigne e Vini Varvaglione

Puglia Susumaniello 2022

Rose version actually
Great colour
Susumaniello has a distinctive scent and taste of vanilla/caramel which you can find here, not giving by oak or other stuff, but it comes from the grape.
The wine is fleshier than what it looks and quite long.
Lookout for this variety!!
— 3 months ago

David, Ron and 2 others liked this

Cantine Miali

single Vineyard Rose Susumaniello

Smooth. Crisp. Get again! First Moms night out — 2 years ago

Trullo Flaminio

Susumaniello 2019

No notes; southern Italian varietal w a soft, rounder approach but with enough mild white pepper & deep forest herbs to keep things interesting — a month ago

Peter, Tom and 4 others liked this
Ceccherini Cristiano

Ceccherini Cristiano Influencer Badge

@Peter Sultan very interestingly i had a producer from Puglia with me on the road lately that makes Susumaniello too. She was explained to me how this varietal has a vanilla scent and flavour without the support of any French oak. Some bottle age enhances that factor but i found it quite unique and thought to share it. I believe that might have to do whit that soft side you were pointing out. I have a susumaniello rose in my portfolio and the release before the last had started to show that component. I agree it is a very interesting variety 😊

Masca del Tacco

Puglia Susumaniello Rosato

Sussumaniello rosato, Masca Del Tacco
Lovely herbal/grassy notes, delicate
— 10 months ago

Masca del Tacco

Puglia Susumaniello


Alc 14.5% 凝縮した果実と酸のバランス。この価格でこれは良い。 — 2 months ago

Illuminare Legatum Originalis

ILO Rosso Susumaniello

Oz toista kertaa lähti. Viini sopii hyvin sen kanssa — 3 months ago

Paolo Leo

Pianerosse Puglia Susumaniello

Nice woody wine. Red fruit and flowers. Not that long — but maybe I drank it too warm. — 4 months ago

Cantina San Donaci

Assina Susumaniello Rosato 2022

Omg didn’t know the Susumaniello grape, but now I want to know more! Quaffable AF this wine is, but not soft-spoken. It has a sweet-tart undertow while remaining mellow with an almost lactic finish. Yum yum yum. — a year ago

Serge, Daniel P. and 5 others liked this