Smooth, buttery but not flat. Not too fruity. Would drink again — 3 years ago
Nice flavor, good bold plum — 4 years ago
Central market houston — 2 years ago
Visiting Fredericksburg TX for a few days. This is TX hill country and has a big winery community. Never tried any TX wines before but found a few surprises here. We tasted at Becker earlier today but not this wine. $30 on the restaurant wine list. Becker wasn’t our favorite stop but it is the only local winery represented on their list. Overall local wines seemed overpriced compared to CA wines. Just realized we had an older vintage (2018) on our last trip from Houston to Anaheim. It’s interesting that most of the grapes used in the local wines come from Lubbock (panhandle) area. Don’t know where these grapes came from, or what varietals are present. — 4 years ago
Nice Syrah. Acidity balances out the ripe fruit. Plum, boysenberry, dried herbs, graphite, violets. — 3 years ago
I was shocked to find this on the wine list at Larsens in Santa Clarita. I was first introduced to Lando wines at World of Pinot a few years ago and met Sam Lando there. Became a huge fan of his wines and was so pleased to enjoy it again. — 3 years ago
Its been awhile since I had a nice red wine from my cellar. Just arrived in Houston after a three day road trip this afternoon and having dinner at our favorite wine friendly restaurant. Delicious food and wine...doesn’t get much better than this. Great food...great wine. — 4 years ago
Alvaro Bustillos
Jesus o diodoro cordero jaime c pepe g sam kalish sergio m — a year ago