With Danielle, from the Johnsons for my 52nd bday. — 4 years ago
8.5 now because it’ll be a 9 later.
This is one of those that you say “SHIT I OPENED IT TOO EARLY” on a single year difference. I have regrets.
Wait a year at least—it’s going to be fantastic. A bit too sour and funky for most in its youth, it’ll clearly smooth out. Like the rebellious child in high school you know is going to be brilliant once they’re the master of their own domain. — 5 years ago
Slightly Sweeter than many rose wines but not sickly. Fruity and perfect for a summer lunch — a year ago
The title of the wine is very misleading. I anticipated it would bring be back to my youth and provide hints rebellious teenage car sex at a movie theater from the name. However, after I got over those flashbacks..the Wine is Very aromatic with hints of anise and plenty of earthiness. Blackberries are a strong factor in this wine leaving you with complex spices as a finish — 4 years ago
Rebellious teen spirit shows where Julian Guilot wants to take Clos des Vignes du Maynes, what many believe is the oldest organically farmed winery in France. Stands out visually from its family portrait, but extremely good Gamay. Tight high pitched perfumed red fruit and flowers. High acid and crushed rocks. Awesome. — 5 years ago
Dark rusty maroon color.
Baking spices, ginger, and rebellious fruits approach after the toasty olfactory notes. — a year ago
“Everyone should be able to enjoy a good wine, that’s why we have made Canallas, dedicated to rebellious and daring souls. Because we like courageous people, who dare to be different and because taking on life with a touch of cheekiness is not contradictory to being passionate.” Toni Arráez
The wine, blend of tempranillo and monastrell 50% 50% oak barrels 4 months, service temp 12° - 18° C price qualiity excellent, pairing: with a delicious pasta, ravioli in pomarola, saludos #winelover #pisco — 5 years ago
Good staple. 2014 is drinking well. A little heavier. Maybe zin or Syrah like and heavy cab. — 5 years ago
Kristen Cole
Good dessert wine — a year ago