Received as a gift from R & C. Excellent taste. Very smooth. — 4 years ago
With R & C Havard — a year ago
Stable good US CS. Black currant and oak. 2017 @2400, wine plus - R&C, 220827-220901 — 2 years ago
Sharp sour prune juice nose, dry cherry, mineral tannins, medium bodied — 4 years ago
Have not had a young C/R in a long time. This was like seeing a two year old thoroughbred race horse and thinking sure he’s not going to win the Kentucky Derby but this is a very good horse.
Lots of all the good things; fruit, acid and tannin and most importantly minimal alcohol influence in a warm vintage . Very pure , one can drink now but you will be missing out on even greater enjoyment in the future. — 4 years ago
Old School Spanish Blanco
So spectacular b/c it’s many flavors of fruit, herbs and minerality fade in/out with each sniff/sip. Complex & ephemeral
Not everyone likes the oxidative notes and savory elements
Served with Vinloq System and immediate fireworks
👃Honey, wax, and herbs like dill etc
👅Citrus, pear, with nuttiness. Flavors are dynamic and varied
Stored in fridge under Vinloq Preservation
Forgot about it actually…
Outstanding again
The leading flavors of lemon, honey with that nice nuttiness are there again. So is the prominent waxiness that shrouds those ghost-like flavors
No signs of deterioration as the fruit and intensity of the flavors are still there in spades
Beautiful 💕 — 3 years ago
E f f e r v e s c e n t — 4 years ago
Alvaro Bustillos
Homero y juan c fernando rogelio — 10 months ago