Supple and smooth but with enough body for some meat — 2 years ago
Second tasting and still as much pleasure. Deep ruby color, with a beautiful shine. The nose is greedy, on the fruits, between juice and jam, black cherry, plum, blackberries, strawberry. Spicy and roasted notes typical of southern wines, chocolate, pepper, thyme and aromates, smoky touch. The mouth is soft, beautiful texture. Greedy and balanced with volume and flexibility. The 15 degrees are absolutely not felt. Nice finish on black fruits and licorice. To have in his cellar absolutely.
Deuxième dégustation et toujours autant de plaisir. Robe rubis profonde, au bel éclat. Le nez est gourmand, sur les fruits, entre jus et confiture, cerise noire, prune, mûres, fraise. Notes épicées et torréfiées typique des vins du sud, chocolat, poivre, thym et aromates, touche fumé. La bouche est moelleuse, belle texture. Très gourmand et équilibré avec du volume et de la souplesse. Les 15 degrés ne se font absolument pas sentir. Très belle finale sur les fruits noirs et réglisse. A avoir dans sa cave absolument. — 3 years ago
First bottle I bought (at Tannin) after reading Wine Simple. Started mineraly and aromatic but not overly fruity. Pear notes after several days. — 7 months ago
Delicious Sancerre!! — a year ago
Really very tasty. Lovely with a warm beef stew. Not too heavy and a good intro to Sancerre reds — 3 years ago
Mineral, fairly dry — 4 years ago
Crispy yum! — 8 months ago
Classic chinon vegetable green pepper medium body — a year ago
Charming Pinot-Noir that is a great pleasure reminiscent of the wines we taste in Sancerre, Menetou-Salon or Reuilly more than Burgundy. Simple but in good balance, with a cold extraction that brings out a maximum of fruit and variety notes. Here no eyeshadow, breeding hiding anything. It's gourmet, authentic at an affordable price. The PN is respected and delivers in a simple way, perfect light bodied wine. The only problem: the bottle empties very quickly. So to drink by two!
Charmant Pinot-Noir qui rappelle avec grand plaisir les vins qu’on goûte du côté de Sancerre, Menetou-Salon ou Reuilly plus que la Bourgogne. Simple mais au bel équilibre, avec une extraction à froid qui fait ressortir un maximum de fruit et de notes variétales. Ici pas de fard, d’élevage cachant quoi que ça soit. C’est gourmand, authentique à prix abordable. Le PN est respecté et se livre et de manière authentique en toute simplicité, parfait light bodied wine. Seul problème: la bouteille se vide très vite. À boire par deux donc! — 2 years ago
Sipping Fine Wine
Pale lemon color, with aromas of citrus and stone fruits. On the palate flavors of pineapple, peach and citrus with floral notes and slight spice. Medium+ finish, vivid acidity ending with citrus and stony mineral spice. Nice! — 2 months ago