An excellent wine, had it with trout, beurre blanc, potatoes and veggies.
Perfect match and even a great sipping wine with a little acidity and freshnes. — 4 years ago
A fine red from Baden, worked with the Cod dish. — 6 years ago
Baden. Pinot. Kaiserstuhl. An old vulcano in the rhine valley. GG. Warmest area in Ger. figs grow there. Undertasted, ratet und non existent in the US. A suitcase import. Under imported. And overpriced when they are imported. Bought this for 20 bucks in 2012. Brown tinge. Orange zest nose, brown tinge. In the glass blueberries, bark, touch crushed marble, cardamom, hint turmeric, cherries and black tea. Great juice! Might go back May 2024. — a year ago
Super smooth. Lovely — 6 years ago
Sweet aroma, peach notes, slightly bitter on the finish. Refreshing — 3 years ago
Pinot that is peaking out. Great, red fruited freshness out of the bottle with a very faintly oxidative finish. Second glass is singing with juicy cherry, cranberry, pomegranate, and earth notes. Wine is dying down by the end of the bottle. Purchased for $4 in Kearney, Nebraska.
Yes, $4. — 6 years ago
German Pinot in a Burgundian style. Very impressed. Plus it has good age on it. — a year ago