Skin contact, good tannins, gorgeous color — 5 years ago
Melon wine with a bit of fizz but not actual bubbles. Bought with jilly in O'Brian's — 7 years ago
The wine is delicious
Skin contact sauv blanc and chardy
It's kind of off dry when you drink it, but it has a bitterish aftertaste
I love how the local venues all support Jared's venture and i must admit all the wines i tasted were above average(i had a very nice rose made with cab sauv and shiraz from him too)
I am getting organised to go and visit — 10 months ago
Wild unusual wine. 2 years in amphorae. Pet-nat to the max. Salinity yet fruit still delighted. Wonderful restaurant in Sydney. — 6 years ago
Perhaps a different label
I was told the grapes were sourced quite locally.
I bought in Byron Bay and i got quite curious to be honest.
Apparently there is this new wine region called New England that has been put on the map by this Lone Ranger called Jared Dixon.
I found it really good, minimal intervention. Drinking very well.
A new frontier, but in reality a very old place for grape growers; first settlers in 1850s started a vineyard here, quite a well known Hunter Valley family too they were, the Wyndham's.
Very interesting, i might want to explore more of this. — a year ago
I am amazed that Delectable could identify this wine - well done! This is a Rose made in Clunes in far northern NSW inland from Byron Bay dining at Harvest at Newrybar. This Rose was a quite rich bronze in colour. Interesting mix of varieties with Tempranillo, Shiraz and Durif. Very aromatic with burnt toffee and ginger notes. On the light to medium weight palate more spicy and savoury than fruit driven - with dry cherry notes in searching for a fruit descriptor. Quite a find - I didn’t know wine was made in this district and will be seeking this out for purchase. — 5 years ago
A bit disjointed at first, then Became a delicious beverage, lip smacking good — 8 years ago
Ceccherini Cristiano
I went to Clunes to try and meet Jared but he was working in the vineyard
They are building a cellar door
It's going to be awesome
The place is so amazing
It feels like being in Tuscany
Ondulating hills, luscious landscape
I met Brian (?), Jared's father who is very proud of what his son does, as he should.
Most fruit comes from the New England region but they just gather the best they can.
Clunes is 700m high or more.
Btw the wine was delicious
It had a macadamia might be suggestion of course...those hills are absolutely infested with macadamia farms.
It was balanced, easy and complex and the same time. And it prints a memory of the place in you mind.
I never thought you could make wine in a subtropical region, leave alone that good.
6 months and they open the cellar door.
I will go back and update you and myself.
I wish i had a 1 year of my life to give away and spend in that part of the world..I'd go tomorrow! — 4 months ago