A smooth beauty — 3 years ago
A better macerated wine — 4 years ago
Truly spectacular — 2019 — 3 years ago
Third tasting of 2017 over a year and a half. First observation: this wine improves every time! For the rest, we are on a, jammy, peppery, moka, with fine floral notes. Wine from Morocco by an artisan winemaker from the Rhône, in the style of St-Jo or Croze over-vitamin.
Troisième dégustation du 2017 sur un an et demi. Première constat : ce vin s’améliore à chaque fois! Pour le reste, on est toujours sur une Syrah, compotée, poivrée, moka, avec de notes fines florales. Vin du Maroc par un artisan vigneron du Rhône, dans le style St-Jo ou Croze sur-vitaminé. — 3 years ago
Lovely aperitif, pairs well with cheese and fruit, best served very chilled to help balance the acidity. — 9 months ago
Tasted blind. My guesses were around Fedellos do Couto and Matassa, but with influence from Sextant. Entry-level funky-style wine. Slightly restrained and simple in the nose with notes of sweet cherry, cranberry and spoiled jam. But it pays well in the taste. Fizzy at the beginning, salty with flavours of spoiled strawberry-cranberry jam but with the right volume and evolution based on jamminess. I would take it on a picnic, chill a little bit, and then chill together with a bottle or two of this wine. — 3 years ago
Funky on the nose; hits you with subtle notes of gorgonzola or blue cheese, and green tomatoes. Viscous texture, but does not coat your mouth. Flavors of plum, pear, and nectarine. Crisp and acidic on the finish. Awesome wine. — 4 years ago
web bond
Bottling: 04/20/16
Disgorement: 10/04/21
Dosage: 0 g/l — 2 months ago