моченые яблоки, дрожжи, красная смородина, торф, вяленая груша, красная алыча, цедра грейпфрута. сочно, с насыщенным фанком и отличной структурой. здорово. — 6 years ago
A great Bordeaux blend from Argentina, deep Ruby with complex aromas of red/black fruits, floral and earthy herbs. On the palate flavors of blackberry, cacao, oak and floral herbs. Fine tannins, long finish ending with fruit and earthy oak. Nice. Tasting Sample! — 3 years ago
REALLY reminds me of gernot heinrichs roter traminer "freyheit" in a bubbly version! as is:
somehow out of this world wine, baroque nose, bone dry, super complex: aniseed, rose petals, apricot skin, wood et al.
makes me smile ...
... big time sensuality! — 9 years ago
roter traminer
von gernot heinrich!
einer meiner lieblings sommerweine - nicht im sinne von terrassenwein!
zum essen auch gut einzusetzen, sonnenwarme tomaten. irgendwas fruchtiges. kräuter. touché. — 10 years ago
vibrant but calm, salty wine with plenty of hazelnut, ringlets and reductive impact.
did i mention i like gernot heinrich's conceptual line "freyheit" very much? ;-) — 10 years ago
Dmitry Koutcherouk
Skin-contacted and aged in amphoras. You've got a lot of dried fruits, some hay and camomile. Some dried bitter fruit in the mouth, middle to high acidity, and very little tannins. — 2 years ago