With Sherry Riad — 3 years ago
The aromatics are of lemon zest, some butter, a touch smokey and flinty and some ripe orchard fruit. Good acidity but dominated slightly by a certain richness and ripeness, a little more then usual and probably due to the warmer vintage. Nice, but not the better Droin bottle I had. 89-90
Des arômes de fruits murs, un peu fumé, touche saline, du zeste de citron et du beurre. Une bouche plus riche et mure qu’à l’habitude, due probablement au millésime plus chaud. Bien mais pas le meilleur Droin GC que j’ai bu. 89-90 au mieux. — 4 years ago
mure, choco et café! — a year ago
Henri et Georges Jayer Echezeaux 1998. Vines owned by Henri’s brother Georges. 2X with this wine. Richer and fuller in body(than the Jayer Cros Parantoux 1998 drunk alongside) and became silkier, more savory, and more elegant with time in decanter. Arguably not at apogee, although drinking fantastically now. — 4 years ago
2005. Très fondu à son apogée. Du beauvfruit très pur. Gourmand à souhait en bouche — 5 years ago
Peter van den Besselaar
Vintage 2019 | lovely fruity smell, easy taste with good structure | paired with Dutch Hete Bliksem (oven dish) — 2 months ago