Now this is an unusual wine. It is made in the Amarone style but with Nebbiolo. The district Nebbiolo qualities are present: rose, tar, red fruits, but supercharged with more richness than would every be typical old a Barolo. Although fairly weighty, it wasn't over the top such that the texture was like soft velvet, with caressing tannins. Over time it opened up to reveal beautiful layers through the finish. Certainly unlike anything I've tasted before.
Enjoyed at Babbo in NYC. — 6 years ago
Wine of the trip! — 8 years ago
2010 vintage
Сталь, камень, тимьян, шалфей, марганцовка, калина, пьяная вишня, молотый перец, ментол, щепотка земли. Легкое тело, прозрачная, вертикальная структура, морозящие танины. Интересно и индивидуально, но местами шероховато и по-хулигански неряшливо. — 9 years ago
Ellen Clifford

Super friendly, easy to gulp but given time to think about, easy to analyze, to lean into the nuances. This particular one is SO fresh; it’s like you can taste chiller air. The nose is bright red cherry and pomegranate, slightly tangy, reminiscent of tamarind even. The palate is strikingly less tannic than a Piemonte Nebbiolo. Earth-filled, circling back to tamarind, turmeric and cherry compote. Gorgeous and a thinker if you give it the time of day, which…you will. It takes a minute or so to open, but that time spent waiting will be rewarded with an eloquent wine that says just enough. — 2 months ago