Broke out a big gun for the holiday. Succulent on the first taste from the bottle. Decanted and drank over 2+ hours. Almost no sediment. Striking color. Very deep red. Tons of mature fruit but still lively. Deep and long. Rounded mouthfeel and lingers wonderfully. It’s such a smooth but heady wine. Nicely fragrant. My first DRC. — 21 days ago
Old-school Italian wine that is perfect for pizza. Somewhat thin and alcoholic but typical of wines served in Italian restaurants in Brooklyn when I was small. Flavorful and a perfect match to the marinara sauce of New York Patsy’s Pizzeria or Joe & Pat’s. — 4 months ago
2013 vintage. Zero issues with fill or cork. Not decanted but it was so rambunctious, likely would have shown even better with one. Tasted after 45 mins, 1.5 hours and 3 hours open. Medium body. Nose a mysterious mélange of spent coffee grounds and that expected Grands Échézeaux Asian spice presence. Cranberry tartness right away in the flavors minimized by black tea notes and the coffee/Asian spice twofer. Minute-long finish. Barely harnessed power throughout. Tasting as if it has just kicked in the door to the upper part of the bell curve and a handful of years before reaching the absolute apex. Simply no rush to crush as this is beginning its heroic phase. If you do indulge, open early and trace the development. Many don't like to decant red Burgs but this should be an exception. Needs both big time and big air. 12.09.24. — 9 days ago
2002 vintage. Good fill. Nice cork. Not decanted. Tasted after 45 mins, 1.5 hours and 3 hours open. Light body. Nose replete with raspberry and strawberry notes along with some dried mushrooms and a slight, high octane/alcohol nose. Flavors same/similar + cherry pastille. Finish lengthy but not otherworldly. Was left wanting more as it felt that this particular bottle, while showing decently, is possibly an outlier. 12.09.24. — 9 days ago
2013 vintage. Both excellent fill and cork. Decanted with infinitesimal sed. Slightly silvery color. Tasted after 1.5 and 2.5 hours open. Medium body. Nose slightly reticent during both tastes. Black tea and eucalyptus prominent first go round with both those still present but minimized second pass. Sprinkle in some cracked black pepper and white sage for round two and we have a winner. Finish lasted over a minute and the concentration was as expected given the decent street cred. No rush to crush but open waay early/decant this if enjoying in the next handful of years. 10.24.24. — 2 months ago
Tyler Felous
Same experience as the Salvioni Rosso, but even tighter here. 2 days later, it’s giving much more. Nose is still subdued, more leather. Brighter fruit and spice. Going to give the rest of these the years of rest they deserve — 18 days ago