Drank this with some lentil soup and braised cabbage that a dear friend made for me. Solid pairing. Wine itself starts out mineraly and leaves you with just the slightest tinge of a dried date. I’m also obsessed with the ruby red color. — 2 months ago
Peach aroma and flavors with mild acidity. Moderate body — a year ago
Interesting winemaker. Natural wines. His son did the painting for the label he told me. His son’s name is Teo — 7 months ago
Aromas a queroseno intenso , manzana verde, duraznos, melocotón, miel, mantequilla, seco y minerales — 10 months ago
Crisp acidity and light bodied. Strong cherry flavor but it lacks some backbone. Great light wine. — 2 years ago
"Dandelion" by @nanclaresyprieto is an expressive
white wine from Rías Baixas, a coastal region in northwestern Spain & known for its crisp, mineral-driven Albariño (the same grape used in most Portuguese Vinho Verde). It bursts with flavors of salty peaches, juicy melon, and grapefruit.
@alberto_nanclares was an economist in Madrid before he and his wife moved to Rías Baixas to be closer to the sea. E While he didn't intend to become a winemaker, the land he purchased came with vines.
With the help of his neighbors, he gave it a go and later partnered with @silvia_prieto3 - a consultant and specialist in organic, traditional viticulture. Their dedication to purity makes all the difference in this iconic wine, transporting you to the Atlantic coast-it's my favorite Albariño to date!
• Organically farmed and crafted with a low-intervention approach, this wine's label depicts the region's traditional "parras" trellising system of growing grapes 7-10 feet high
to improve air circulation
(preventing mildew) and maximize sun exposure (promoting ripening) in humid vineyards.
Although Rías Baixas wasn't a major player on the international wine scene until the '80s and '90s, it now produces Spain's premier white wines-and more than half of the region's winemakers are women! — 8 days ago