Has entered a numb phase as the fruit is transforming into aged complexity, so stay away from this near perfect and utterly promising wine another 6-10 years before opening it.
Has entered a numb phase as the fruit is transforming into aged complexity, so stay away from this near perfect and utterly promising wine another 6-10 years before opening it.
Sep 4th, 2014
Took about an hour to really open up and then kept getting better until it was gone at hour 2. Beautiful flowery and cherry. Paired well with roasted pork and truffle risotto.
Took about an hour to really open up and then kept getting better until it was gone at hour 2. Beautiful flowery and cherry. Paired well with roasted pork and truffle risotto.
Mar 25th, 2020
Very young, left out 24 hours in opened bottle and still tannic today. Classic Barolo notes, will be v good, hold if you have
Very young, left out 24 hours in opened bottle and still tannic today. Classic Barolo notes, will be v good, hold if you have
May 18th, 2014