Kelley Fox Wines

Royal Ann Block Maresh Vineyard Pinot Noir

9.35 ratings
-no pro ratings
Dundee Hills, Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
Pinot Noir
Top Notes For

Sour cherry candy. Strawberries. Juicy. 💦 Really good and way better than the Maresh Liminal bottling.

Sour cherry candy. Strawberries. Juicy. 💦 Really good and way better than the Maresh Liminal bottling.

Aug 24th, 2024
Bryan Kesting

Amazed how open this was after 30 mins of air. Just a beautiful Oregon Pinot.

Amazed how open this was after 30 mins of air. Just a beautiful Oregon Pinot.

Nov 18th, 2023
Vasanth Balakrishnan

Ethereal, delicate #dundeehills #pinotnoir - Dried strawberry, raspberry plus wild cherry nose with faint sous bois. Sour cherry acidity up front in mouth, medium light body and rapid finish. Satisfying but I question the QPR. Great food wine though.

Ethereal, delicate #dundeehills #pinotnoir - Dried strawberry, raspberry plus wild cherry nose with faint sous bois. Sour cherry acidity up front in mouth, medium light body and rapid finish. Satisfying but I question the QPR. Great food wine though.

Sep 14th, 2023
Senator Tommelier

Oregon Pinot by KF. Very light and dry. Springtime hang with mom kinda Pinot

Oregon Pinot by KF. Very light and dry. Springtime hang with mom kinda Pinot

Jul 23rd, 2023
Chris g

Chris had this a year ago

Chris had this a year ago

Nov 30th, 2023