What an odd bottle if Chablis- tons of minerality on the finish, but a nose dominated by botrytis. This was very good with the crab, but so effusive in its apricoty, honeyed exoticism.
What an odd bottle if Chablis- tons of minerality on the finish, but a nose dominated by botrytis. This was very good with the crab, but so effusive in its apricoty, honeyed exoticism.
Jan 24th, 2014
A light, bright, low acid Chablis. Nothing too remarkable but it paired nicely with some shrimp and rice pilaf.
A light, bright, low acid Chablis. Nothing too remarkable but it paired nicely with some shrimp and rice pilaf.
Jun 19th, 2022
Memorable only in as much as it resembles something from the Mâconnais much more than Chablis. And not in an exciting way. Minimal acidity, round in the mouth, even a tiny, tiny bit buttery. The more I drink it, the less I like it. Score adjusted accordingly.
Memorable only in as much as it resembles something from the Mâconnais much more than Chablis. And not in an exciting way. Minimal acidity, round in the mouth, even a tiny, tiny bit buttery. The more I drink it, the less I like it. Score adjusted accordingly.
Jun 12th, 2018