Green Flash Brewing Co.
Double Stout Black Ale

Produced a full head of cappuccino brown, that left a plethora of primitive dinosaur hieroglyphs. Completely opaque and dark as strong coffee. Turkish coffee impression similarly informs the aromas, with a raspberry-dark chocolate streak, a tiny dust of licorice, and some burnt caramel. Mouthfeel is stout perfection, bordering on whole milk with chocolate syrup. Espresso, gingerbread, burnt wheat, bitter, baker’s chocolate, allspice, dried cassis, wormwood, and burnt lavender. #doublestout #stout #beer #beerbeerbeer #greenflash #abv #stoutout #beeroclock #beerculture #beerdrinkers #stoutitallout #?
Produced a full head of cappuccino brown, that left a plethora of primitive dinosaur hieroglyphs. Completely opaque and dark as strong coffee. Turkish coffee impression similarly informs the aromas, with a raspberry-dark chocolate streak, a tiny dust of licorice, and some burnt caramel. Mouthfeel is stout perfection, bordering on whole milk with chocolate syrup. Espresso, gingerbread, burnt wheat, bitter, baker’s chocolate, allspice, dried cassis, wormwood, and burnt lavender. #doublestout #stout #beer #beerbeerbeer #greenflash #abv #stoutout #beeroclock #beerculture #beerdrinkers #stoutitallout #?
Dec 3rd, 2017
This beer is almost too good to be true. It is a double stout I could drink all day long. #mmmmmbeer
This beer is almost too good to be true. It is a double stout I could drink all day long. #mmmmmbeer
Mar 30th, 2015
Not exactly "big, bold, and complex," compared to its peers it has well-integrated alcohol, hops, and sweetness, and then is rather direct in its roasty, chocolatey flavor profile. I think this bottle has a year or two of age.
Not exactly "big, bold, and complex," compared to its peers it has well-integrated alcohol, hops, and sweetness, and then is rather direct in its roasty, chocolatey flavor profile. I think this bottle has a year or two of age.
Oct 16th, 2013
Super hops meets super stout. Very hoppy, chocolate, and hints of coffee.
Super hops meets super stout. Very hoppy, chocolate, and hints of coffee.
Sep 4th, 2015Great double stout - 8.8abv. Not too far on the chocolate/coffee side, but the right amount of influence.
Great double stout - 8.8abv. Not too far on the chocolate/coffee side, but the right amount of influence.
Apr 8th, 2015
Outstanding stout, excellent in the style, big coffee and chocolate notes, in one word Delicious!!!
Outstanding stout, excellent in the style, big coffee and chocolate notes, in one word Delicious!!!
Nov 19th, 2014