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Pours ecru, then pear opacity, with gypsum head. Slippery lacing that runs mammalian, spindles meltingly to skeletal, then slides amorphous to preferred obscurity. Oranges both fresh and dried, lemon zest, soft wood, and paraffin nose. Dinner roll, lemon tea, nano bee pollen, grapefruit round out the refreshing celebration. Solid arbeit!
David Kline
Pours ecru, then pear opacity, with gypsum head. Slippery lacing that runs mammalian, spindles meltingly to skeletal, then slides amorphous to preferred obscurity. Oranges both fresh and dried, lemon zest, soft wood, and paraffin nose. Dinner roll, lemon tea, nano bee pollen, grapefruit round out the refreshing celebration. Solid arbeit!
#Rhaner #atestefamilienbrauereiostbayerns #Rhaner1283hell #über725jahrebrautradition #lager #palelager #deutschebier #deutschland #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza — 2 months ago