

Grillo 2015

Mandarins, jasmine. Saline; a bit of fino, almond and macadamia through the finish. Clean and definitely Sicilian. If all natural wines were this good, I’d have no bone to pick. #tami #grillo #sicily — 6 years ago


Terre Siciliane Nero d'Avola 2016

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

Young. Not showing well right now. A bit awkward and dull. #nerodavola #tami #scicily #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago

Keith, David and 1 other liked this


Terre Siciliane Frappato 2016

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

Fresh with great spice and movement. Drying tannins. Fine complexity and length. Medium weight. Well made. Needs food. #frappato #tami #scicily — 8 years ago

David, Anthony and 1 other liked this