
Ravel & Stitch

Central Coast Cabernet Sauvignon 2050

Easy drinking. Cherry flavor#s Delicious — 4 months ago


Grande Cuvée Brut Champagne Blend

ID 214026. Blend of '90-'08. Fantastic bottle. Brioche, lemon custard, marzipan, touch of butterscotch, fine lemony mousse, so smooth. — 8 years ago

David, Ira and 9 others liked this
Bobby Gilbane

Bobby Gilbane Premium Badge

Only if you provide the tasting notes afterwards.
Larry Frierson

Larry Frierson

You are a sick f__k.
Bobby Gilbane

Bobby Gilbane Premium Badge

Now wait one minute here. You tell me to abuse myself with a large format bottle of Krug and I'm the sick f***? Now you're just being hurtful.

Quinta Vale D. Maria ( Quinta Vale Dona Maria )

Reserva Porto

Lot No. 16 - don’t know exactly what the “lot #s” mean, and the website is under construction. Vintage? But it isn’t a vintage or LBV. Predominant year in the blend? Bottled in 2018. I found this really unusual, in a good way, for a ruby port. It has a dusky, dry tannic character. But silky smooth. Reminds me of tea and raisins, and maybe dried blueberries. Really like this. — 5 years ago

Anthony liked this


Felsentürmchen Spätlese Riesling 2006

Lovely wine in the typical Dönnhoff-style. Perfect balance in acidity and sweetness, very clean and bright, pure and juicy fruit, tiny pinch of Asian spice, dash of minerality, teaspoon of petrol. It's all there.
So, why the slightly indiscriminate score, you might ask?
Well, in my opinion, Dönnhoffs wines resemble the ideal son-in-law.... Attentive, friendly, homely, attractive, clever, intelligent, matches every occasion. And the wife adores 'em!
But in the end, it's lacking in personality, too easy, too neat, a tad shallow and predicable? Ah well, I think you get the picture... 🙂
— 8 years ago

Anthony, David and 19 others liked this
Jeroen Koenen

Jeroen Koenen

His wines are truly great. But have never gave me a 'wow', like some other Nahe producers now and then do.
Marc Roovers

Marc Roovers

I think I know what producer you mean. #S-F
Jeroen Koenen

Jeroen Koenen

Correct again. #S-F and #E-S as well

Clos Payrol

Pomerol Red Bordeaux Blend 2011

Lovely wine! Funky barnyard. Thanks for sharing this Martin, hope all is well!! — 7 years ago

Ron R
with Ron
Ron, Mike and 24 others liked this
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Yes, it reminded me butt on the nose, which usually means you are in for a treat @Martin G Rivard - thank you!!!

Eric Premium Badge

The French have nailed the smell of a#s for many many moons (pun intended). I don’t wanna like it, but I do!
Martin G Rivard

Martin G Rivard Influencer Badge

So Glad you loved it Mo!!

Domaine de L'Ange Vin

Lumière des Sens Venezia di notte piazza San Marco P P Red Blend

White cracked pepper, red berries, juicy and funky, perfect #S.A.I.N.S. wine to start the soft opening @cityvineyardnyc — 8 years ago